Module Tk.Tkintf

module Tkintf: sig .. end

val cCAMLtoTKbitmap : Tk.bitmap -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLbitmap : string -> [> `File of string | `Predefined of string ]
val cCAMLtoTKcolor : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLcolor : 'a -> [> `Color of 'a ]
val cCAMLtoTKcursor : Tk.cursor -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKunits : Tk.units -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLunits : string ->
[> `Cm of float | `In of float | `Mm of float | `Pix of int | `Pt of float ]
val cCAMLtoTKscrollValue : Tk.scrollValue -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLscrollValue : string list ->
[> `Moveto of float | `Page of int | `Unit of int ] * string list
val cCAMLtoTKmodifier : Tk.modifier -> string
exception IllegalVirtualEvent
val cCAMLtoTKevent : Tk.event -> string
val cCAMLtoTKeventSequence : Tk.event list -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKbindings : [< `Tag of string | `Widget of 'a Widget.widget ] -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLbindings : string -> [> `Tag of string | `Widget of Widget.any Widget.widget ]
val cCAMLtoTKfont : Tk.font -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLfont : Tk.font -> Tk.font
val cCAMLtoTKgrabGlobal : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKindex : [< `Active
| `Anchor
| `At of int
| `Atxy of int * int
| `End
| `Image of string
| `Insert
| `Last
| `Linechar of int * int
| `Mark of string
| `None
| `Num of int
| `Pattern of string
| `Selfirst
| `Sellast
| `Tagfirst of string
| `Taglast of string
| `Window of Widget.any Widget.widget ] ->
val cCAMLtoTKcanvas_index : Tk.canvas_index -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKentry_index : Tk.entry_index -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKlistbox_index : Tk.listbox_index -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKmenu_index : Tk.menu_index -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKtext_index : Tk.text_index -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLtext_index : string -> [> `Linechar of int * int ]
val cTKtoCAMLlistbox_index : string -> [> `Num of int ]
val cCAMLtoTKpaletteType : Tk.paletteType -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKtextMark : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLtextMark : 'a -> 'a
val cCAMLtoTKtextTag : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLtextTag : 'a -> 'a
val cCAMLtoTKtextIndex : Tk.textIndex -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKanchor : Tk.anchor -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKimage : [< Tk.image ] -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKjustification : Tk.justification -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKorientation : Tk.orientation -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKrelief : Tk.relief -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKstate : Tk.state -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKcolorMode : Tk.colorMode -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKarcStyle : Tk.arcStyle -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKarrowStyle : Tk.arrowStyle -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKcapStyle : Tk.capStyle -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKjoinStyle : Tk.joinStyle -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKcanvasTextState : Tk.canvasTextState -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKinputState : Tk.inputState -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKweight : Tk.weight -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKslant : Tk.slant -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKvisual : Tk.visual -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKcolormap : Tk.colormap -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKselectModeType : Tk.selectModeType -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKmenuType : Tk.menuType -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKmenubuttonDirection : Tk.menubuttonDirection -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKfillMode : Tk.fillMode -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKside : Tk.side -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKborderMode : Tk.borderMode -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKalignType : Tk.alignType -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKwrapMode : Tk.wrapMode -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKtabType : Tk.tabType -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKmessageIcon : Tk.messageIcon -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKmessageType : Tk.messageType -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKtagOrId : Tk.tagOrId -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLtagOrId : string -> [> `Id of int | `Tag of string ]
val cCAMLtoTKimageBitmap : [< Tk.imageBitmap ] -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLimageBitmap : 'a -> [> `Bitmap of 'a ]
val cCAMLtoTKimagePhoto : [< Tk.imagePhoto ] -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLimagePhoto : 'a -> [> `Photo of 'a ]
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_messagetype : Tk.messageType -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_message : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_messageicon : Tk.messageIcon -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_messagedefault : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_initialfile : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_initialdir : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_filetypes : Tk.filePattern list -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_defaultextension : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_screen : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_use : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_title : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_parent : 'a Widget.widget -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_initialcolor : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_underline : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_rmargin : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_overstrike : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_offset : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_lmargin2 : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_lmargin1 : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_fgstipple : Tk.bitmap -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_bgstipple : Tk.bitmap -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_spacing1 : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_spacing2 : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_spacing3 : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_tabs : Tk.tabType list -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_wrap : Tk.wrapMode -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_stretch : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_name : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_align : Tk.alignType -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_activerelief : Tk.relief -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_scrollcommand : (scroll:[> `Moveto of float | `Page of int | `Unit of int ] -> unit) ->
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_elementborderwidth : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_bigincrement : float -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_scalecommand : (float -> unit) -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_digits : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_from : float -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_length : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_resolution : float -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_showvalue : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_sliderlength : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_tickinterval : float -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_to : float -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_bordermode : Tk.borderMode -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_relheight : float -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_relwidth : float -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_rely : float -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_relx : float -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_palette : Tk.paletteType -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_gamma : float -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_format : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_side : Tk.side -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_fill : Tk.fillMode -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_expand : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_before : 'a Widget.widget -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_after : 'a Widget.widget -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_aspect : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_direction : Tk.menubuttonDirection -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_postcommand : (unit -> unit) -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_tearoff : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_tearoffcommand : (menu:Widget.any Widget.widget -> tornoff:Widget.any Widget.widget -> unit) ->
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_menutitle : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_menutype : Tk.menuType -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_value : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_menu : Widget.widget -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_label : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_hidemargin : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_columnbreak : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_accelerator : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_textheight : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_selectmode : Tk.selectModeType -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_sticky : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_rowspan : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_row : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_ipady : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_ipadx : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_in : 'a Widget.widget -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_columnspan : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_column : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_pad : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_weight : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_minsize : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_clas : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_colormap : Tk.colormap -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_container : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_visual : Tk.visual -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_font_overstrike : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_font_underline : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_font_slant : Tk.slant -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_font_weight : Tk.weight -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_font_size : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_font_family : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_show : char -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_entrystate : Tk.inputState -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_textwidth : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_indicatoron : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_offvalue : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_onvalue : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_selectcolor : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_selectimage : [< Tk.image ] -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_variable : Textvariable.textVariable -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_closeenough : float -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_confine : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_scrollregion : int * int * int * int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_xscrollincrement : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_yscrollincrement : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_window : 'a Widget.widget -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_canvastextstate : Tk.canvasTextState -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_splinesteps : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_smooth : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_joinstyle : Tk.joinStyle -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_capstyle : Tk.capStyle -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_arrowshape : int * int * int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_arrowstyle : Tk.arrowStyle -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_tags : string list -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_arcstyle : Tk.arcStyle -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_stipple : Tk.bitmap -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_start : float -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_outlinestipple : Tk.bitmap -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_outline : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_fillcolor : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_dash : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_extent : float -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_y : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_x : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_rotate : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_pagey : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_pagex : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_pagewidth : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_pageheight : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_pageanchor : Tk.anchor -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_colormode : Tk.colorMode -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_command : (unit -> unit) -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_default : Tk.state -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_height : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_state : Tk.state -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_width : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_maskfile : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_maskdata : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_file : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_data : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_yscrollcommand : (first:float -> last:float -> unit) -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_xscrollcommand : (first:float -> last:float -> unit) -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_wraplength : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_underlinedchar : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_troughcolor : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_textvariable : Textvariable.textVariable -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_text : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_takefocus : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_setgrid : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_selectforeground : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_selectborderwidth : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_selectbackground : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_repeatinterval : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_repeatdelay : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_relief : Tk.relief -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_pady : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_padx : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_orient : Tk.orientation -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_justify : Tk.justification -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_jump : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_insertwidth : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_insertontime : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_insertofftime : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_insertborderwidth : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_insertbackground : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_image : [< Tk.image ] -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_highlightthickness : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_highlightcolor : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_highlightbackground : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_geometry : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_foreground : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_font : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_exportselection : bool -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_disabledforeground : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_cursor : Tk.cursor -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_borderwidth : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_bitmap : Tk.bitmap -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_background : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_anchor : Tk.anchor -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_activeforeground : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_activeborderwidth : int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKoptions_activebackground : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val messageBox_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?default:string ->
?icon:Tk.messageIcon ->
?message:string ->
?parent:'b Widget.widget -> ?title:string -> ?typ:Tk.messageType -> 'a
val getFile_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?defaultextension:string ->
?filetypes:Tk.filePattern list ->
?initialdir:string ->
?initialfile:string -> ?parent:'b Widget.widget -> ?title:string -> 'a
val toplevel_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?clas:string ->
?colormap:Tk.colormap ->
?container:bool ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?height:int ->
?highlightbackground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?highlightthickness:int ->
? Widget.widget ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?screen:string ->
?takefocus:bool -> ?use:string -> ?visual:Tk.visual -> ?width:int -> 'a
val chooseColor_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?initialcolor:Tk.color -> ?parent:'b Widget.widget -> ?title:string -> 'a
val texttag_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?bgstipple:Tk.bitmap ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?fgstipple:Tk.bitmap ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?justify:Tk.justification ->
?lmargin1:int ->
?lmargin2:int ->
?offset:int ->
?overstrike:bool ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?rmargin:int ->
?spacing1:int ->
?spacing2:int ->
?spacing3:int ->
?tabs:Tk.tabType list -> ?underline:bool -> ?wrap:Tk.wrapMode -> 'a
val text_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?exportselection:bool ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?height:int ->
?highlightbackground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?highlightthickness:int ->
?insertbackground:Tk.color ->
?insertborderwidth:int ->
?insertofftime:int ->
?insertontime:int ->
?insertwidth:int ->
?padx:int ->
?pady:int ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?selectbackground:Tk.color ->
?selectborderwidth:int ->
?selectforeground:Tk.color ->
?setgrid:bool ->
?spacing1:int ->
?spacing2:int ->
?spacing3:int ->
?state:Tk.inputState ->
?tabs:Tk.tabType list ->
?takefocus:bool ->
?width:int ->
?wrap:Tk.wrapMode ->
?xscrollcommand:(first:float -> last:float -> unit) ->
?yscrollcommand:(first:float -> last:float -> unit) -> 'a
val embeddedw_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?align:Tk.alignType ->
?padx:int -> ?pady:int -> ?stretch:bool -> ?window:'b Widget.widget -> 'a
val embeddedi_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?align:Tk.alignType ->
?image:[< Tk.image ] -> ?name:string -> ?padx:int -> ?pady:int -> 'a
val scrollbar_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?activebackground:Tk.color ->
?activerelief:Tk.relief ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?command:(scroll:[> `Moveto of float | `Page of int | `Unit of int ] -> unit) ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?elementborderwidth:int ->
?highlightbackground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?highlightthickness:int ->
?jump:bool ->
?orient:Tk.orientation ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?repeatdelay:int ->
?repeatinterval:int ->
?takefocus:bool -> ?troughcolor:Tk.color -> ?width:int -> 'a
val scale_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?activebackground:Tk.color ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?bigincrement:float ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?command:(float -> unit) ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?digits:int ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?highlightbackground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?highlightthickness:int ->
?label:string ->
?length:int ->
?max:float ->
?min:float ->
?orient:Tk.orientation ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?repeatdelay:int ->
?repeatinterval:int ->
?resolution:float ->
?showvalue:bool ->
?sliderlength:int ->
?state:Tk.state ->
?takefocus:bool ->
?tickinterval:float ->
?troughcolor:Tk.color ->
?variable:Textvariable.textVariable -> ?width:int -> 'a
val radiobutton_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?activebackground:Tk.color ->
?activeforeground:Tk.color ->
?anchor:Tk.anchor ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?bitmap:Tk.bitmap ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?command:(unit -> unit) ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?disabledforeground:Tk.color ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?height:int ->
?highlightbackground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?highlightthickness:int ->
?image:[< Tk.image ] ->
?indicatoron:bool ->
?justify:Tk.justification ->
?padx:int ->
?pady:int ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?selectcolor:Tk.color ->
?selectimage:[< Tk.image ] ->
?state:Tk.state ->
?takefocus:bool ->
?text:string ->
?textvariable:Textvariable.textVariable ->
?underline:int ->
?value:string ->
?variable:Textvariable.textVariable -> ?width:int -> ?wraplength:int -> 'a
val place_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?anchor:Tk.anchor ->
?bordermode:Tk.borderMode ->
?height:int ->
?inside:'b Widget.widget ->
?relheight:float ->
?relwidth:float ->
?relx:float -> ?rely:float -> ?width:int -> ?x:int -> ?y:int -> 'a
val photoimage_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?data:string ->
?file:string ->
?format:string ->
?gamma:float -> ?height:int -> ?palette:Tk.paletteType -> ?width:int -> 'a
val pack_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?after:'b Widget.widget ->
?anchor:Tk.anchor ->
?before:'c Widget.widget ->
?expand:bool ->
?fill:Tk.fillMode ->
?inside:'d Widget.widget ->
?ipadx:int -> ?ipady:int -> ?padx:int -> ?pady:int -> ?side:Tk.side -> 'a
val message_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?anchor:Tk.anchor ->
?aspect:int ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?highlightbackground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?highlightthickness:int ->
?justify:Tk.justification ->
?padx:int ->
?pady:int ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?takefocus:bool ->
?text:string -> ?textvariable:Textvariable.textVariable -> ?width:int -> 'a
val menubutton_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?activebackground:Tk.color ->
?activeforeground:Tk.color ->
?anchor:Tk.anchor ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?bitmap:Tk.bitmap ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?direction:Tk.menubuttonDirection ->
?disabledforeground:Tk.color ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?height:int ->
?highlightbackground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?highlightthickness:int ->
?image:[< Tk.image ] ->
?indicatoron:bool ->
?justify:Tk.justification ->
? Widget.widget ->
?padx:int ->
?pady:int ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?state:Tk.state ->
?takefocus:bool ->
?text:string ->
?textvariable:Textvariable.textVariable ->
?textwidth:int -> ?underline:int -> ?width:int -> ?wraplength:int -> 'a
val menu_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?activebackground:Tk.color ->
?activeborderwidth:int ->
?activeforeground:Tk.color ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?disabledforeground:Tk.color ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?postcommand:(unit -> unit) ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?selectcolor:Tk.color ->
?takefocus:bool ->
?tearoff:bool ->
?tearoffcommand:(menu:Widget.any Widget.widget ->
tornoff:Widget.any Widget.widget -> unit) ->
?title:string -> ?typ:Tk.menuType -> 'a
val menucommand_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?accelerator:string ->
?activebackground:Tk.color ->
?activeforeground:Tk.color ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?bitmap:Tk.bitmap ->
?columnbreak:bool ->
?command:(unit -> unit) ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?image:[< Tk.image ] ->
?label:string -> ?state:Tk.state -> ?underline:int -> 'a
val menucheck_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?accelerator:string ->
?activebackground:Tk.color ->
?activeforeground:Tk.color ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?bitmap:Tk.bitmap ->
?columnbreak:bool ->
?command:(unit -> unit) ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?image:[< Tk.image ] ->
?indicatoron:bool ->
?label:string ->
?offvalue:string ->
?onvalue:string ->
?selectcolor:Tk.color ->
?selectimage:[< Tk.image ] ->
?state:Tk.state ->
?underline:int -> ?variable:Textvariable.textVariable -> 'a
val menuradio_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?accelerator:string ->
?activebackground:Tk.color ->
?activeforeground:Tk.color ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?bitmap:Tk.bitmap ->
?columnbreak:bool ->
?command:(unit -> unit) ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?image:[< Tk.image ] ->
?indicatoron:bool ->
?label:string ->
?selectcolor:Tk.color ->
?selectimage:[< Tk.image ] ->
?state:Tk.state ->
?underline:int -> ?value:string -> ?variable:Textvariable.textVariable -> 'a
val menucascade_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?accelerator:string ->
?activebackground:Tk.color ->
?activeforeground:Tk.color ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?bitmap:Tk.bitmap ->
?columnbreak:bool ->
?command:(unit -> unit) ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?hidemargin:bool ->
?image:[< Tk.image ] ->
?indicatoron:bool ->
?label:string ->
? Widget.widget -> ?state:Tk.state -> ?underline:int -> 'a
val menuentry_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?accelerator:string ->
?activebackground:Tk.color ->
?activeforeground:Tk.color ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?bitmap:Tk.bitmap ->
?columnbreak:bool ->
?command:(unit -> unit) ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?hidemargin:bool ->
?image:[< Tk.image ] ->
?indicatoron:bool ->
?label:string ->
? Widget.widget ->
?offvalue:string ->
?onvalue:string ->
?selectcolor:Tk.color ->
?selectimage:[< Tk.image ] ->
?state:Tk.state ->
?underline:int -> ?value:string -> ?variable:Textvariable.textVariable -> 'a
val listbox_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?exportselection:bool ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?height:int ->
?highlightbackground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?highlightthickness:int ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?selectbackground:Tk.color ->
?selectborderwidth:int ->
?selectforeground:Tk.color ->
?selectmode:Tk.selectModeType ->
?setgrid:bool ->
?takefocus:bool ->
?width:int ->
?xscrollcommand:(first:float -> last:float -> unit) ->
?yscrollcommand:(first:float -> last:float -> unit) -> 'a
val label_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?anchor:Tk.anchor ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?bitmap:Tk.bitmap ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?height:int ->
?highlightbackground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?highlightthickness:int ->
?image:[< Tk.image ] ->
?justify:Tk.justification ->
?padx:int ->
?pady:int ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?takefocus:bool ->
?text:string ->
?textvariable:Textvariable.textVariable ->
?textwidth:int -> ?underline:int -> ?width:int -> ?wraplength:int -> 'a
val grid_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?column:int ->
?columnspan:int ->
?inside:'b Widget.widget ->
?ipadx:int ->
?ipady:int ->
?padx:int -> ?pady:int -> ?row:int -> ?rowspan:int -> ?sticky:string -> 'a
val rowcolumnconfigure_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) -> ?minsize:int -> ?pad:int -> ?weight:int -> 'a
val frame_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?clas:string ->
?colormap:Tk.colormap ->
?container:bool ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?height:int ->
?highlightbackground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?highlightthickness:int ->
?relief:Tk.relief -> ?takefocus:bool -> ?visual:Tk.visual -> ?width:int -> 'a
val font_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?family:string ->
?overstrike:bool ->
?size:int -> ?slant:Tk.slant -> ?underline:bool -> ?weight:Tk.weight -> 'a
val entry_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?exportselection:bool ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?highlightbackground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?highlightthickness:int ->
?insertbackground:Tk.color ->
?insertborderwidth:int ->
?insertofftime:int ->
?insertontime:int ->
?insertwidth:int ->
?justify:Tk.justification ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?selectbackground:Tk.color ->
?selectborderwidth:int ->
?selectforeground:Tk.color ->
?show:char ->
?state:Tk.inputState ->
?takefocus:bool ->
?textvariable:Textvariable.textVariable ->
?width:int -> ?xscrollcommand:(first:float -> last:float -> unit) -> 'a
val checkbutton_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?activebackground:Tk.color ->
?activeforeground:Tk.color ->
?anchor:Tk.anchor ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?bitmap:Tk.bitmap ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?command:(unit -> unit) ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?disabledforeground:Tk.color ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?height:int ->
?highlightbackground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?highlightthickness:int ->
?image:[< Tk.image ] ->
?indicatoron:bool ->
?justify:Tk.justification ->
?offvalue:string ->
?onvalue:string ->
?padx:int ->
?pady:int ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?selectcolor:Tk.color ->
?selectimage:[< Tk.image ] ->
?state:Tk.state ->
?takefocus:bool ->
?text:string ->
?textvariable:Textvariable.textVariable ->
?underline:int ->
?variable:Textvariable.textVariable -> ?width:int -> ?wraplength:int -> 'a
val canvas_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?closeenough:float ->
?confine:bool ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?height:int ->
?highlightbackground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?highlightthickness:int ->
?insertbackground:Tk.color ->
?insertborderwidth:int ->
?insertofftime:int ->
?insertontime:int ->
?insertwidth:int ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?scrollregion:int * int * int * int ->
?selectbackground:Tk.color ->
?selectborderwidth:int ->
?selectforeground:Tk.color ->
?takefocus:bool ->
?width:int ->
?xscrollcommand:(first:float -> last:float -> unit) ->
?xscrollincrement:int ->
?yscrollcommand:(first:float -> last:float -> unit) ->
?yscrollincrement:int -> 'a
val window_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?anchor:Tk.anchor ->
?dash:string ->
?height:int ->
?tags:string list -> ?width:int -> ?window:'b Widget.widget -> 'a
val canvastext_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?anchor:Tk.anchor ->
?fill:Tk.color ->
?font:string ->
?justify:Tk.justification ->
?state:Tk.canvasTextState ->
?stipple:Tk.bitmap -> ?tags:string list -> ?text:string -> ?width:int -> 'a
val rectangle_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?dash:string ->
?fill:Tk.color ->
?outline:Tk.color ->
?stipple:Tk.bitmap -> ?tags:string list -> ?width:int -> 'a
val polygon_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?dash:string ->
?fill:Tk.color ->
?outline:Tk.color ->
?smooth:bool ->
?splinesteps:int ->
?stipple:Tk.bitmap -> ?tags:string list -> ?width:int -> 'a
val oval_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?dash:string ->
?fill:Tk.color ->
?outline:Tk.color ->
?stipple:Tk.bitmap -> ?tags:string list -> ?width:int -> 'a
val line_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?arrow:Tk.arrowStyle ->
?arrowshape:int * int * int ->
?capstyle:Tk.capStyle ->
?dash:string ->
?fill:Tk.color ->
?joinstyle:Tk.joinStyle ->
?smooth:bool ->
?splinesteps:int ->
?stipple:Tk.bitmap -> ?tags:string list -> ?width:int -> 'a
val image_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?anchor:Tk.anchor -> ?image:[< Tk.image ] -> ?tags:string list -> 'a
val bitmap_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?anchor:Tk.anchor ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?bitmap:Tk.bitmap -> ?foreground:Tk.color -> ?tags:string list -> 'a
val arc_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?dash:string ->
?extent:float ->
?fill:Tk.color ->
?outline:Tk.color ->
?outlinestipple:Tk.bitmap ->
?start:float ->
?stipple:Tk.bitmap ->
?style:Tk.arcStyle -> ?tags:string list -> ?width:int -> 'a
val postscript_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?colormode:Tk.colorMode ->
?file:string ->
?height:int ->
?pageanchor:Tk.anchor ->
?pageheight:int ->
?pagewidth:int ->
?pagex:int ->
?pagey:int -> ?rotate:bool -> ?width:int -> ?x:int -> ?y:int -> 'a
val button_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?activebackground:Tk.color ->
?activeforeground:Tk.color ->
?anchor:Tk.anchor ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?bitmap:Tk.bitmap ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?command:(unit -> unit) ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?default:Tk.state ->
?disabledforeground:Tk.color ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?height:int ->
?highlightbackground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?highlightthickness:int ->
?image:[< Tk.image ] ->
?justify:Tk.justification ->
?padx:int ->
?pady:int ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?state:Tk.state ->
?takefocus:bool ->
?text:string ->
?textvariable:Textvariable.textVariable ->
?underline:int -> ?width:int -> ?wraplength:int -> 'a
val bitmapimage_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?data:string ->
?file:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color -> ?maskdata:string -> ?maskfile:string -> 'a
val standard_options_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?activebackground:Tk.color ->
?activeborderwidth:int ->
?activeforeground:Tk.color ->
?anchor:Tk.anchor ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?bitmap:Tk.bitmap ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?disabledforeground:Tk.color ->
?exportselection:bool ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?geometry:string ->
?highlightbackground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?highlightthickness:int ->
?image:[< Tk.image ] ->
?insertbackground:Tk.color ->
?insertborderwidth:int ->
?insertofftime:int ->
?insertontime:int ->
?insertwidth:int ->
?jump:bool ->
?justify:Tk.justification ->
?orient:Tk.orientation ->
?padx:int ->
?pady:int ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?repeatdelay:int ->
?repeatinterval:int ->
?selectbackground:Tk.color ->
?selectborderwidth:int ->
?selectforeground:Tk.color ->
?setgrid:bool ->
?takefocus:bool ->
?text:string ->
?textvariable:Textvariable.textVariable ->
?troughcolor:Tk.color ->
?underline:int ->
?wraplength:int ->
?xscrollcommand:(first:float -> last:float -> unit) ->
?yscrollcommand:(first:float -> last:float -> unit) -> 'a
val cCAMLtoTKsearchSpec : Tk.searchSpec -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKcanvasItem : Tk.canvasItem -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLcanvasItem : string ->
[> `Arc
| `Bitmap
| `Image
| `Line
| `Oval
| `Polygon
| `Rectangle
| `Text
| `User_item of string
| `Window ]
val ccCAMLtoTKicccm_lostcommand : (unit -> unit) -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKicccm_selection : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKicccm_displayof : 'a Widget.widget -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKicccm_icccmtype : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKicccm_icccmformat : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val selection_handle_icccm_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?format:string -> ?selection:string -> ?typ:string -> 'a
val selection_ownset_icccm_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?command:(unit -> unit) -> ?selection:string -> 'a
val selection_get_icccm_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?displayof:'b Widget.widget -> ?selection:string -> ?typ:string -> 'a
val selection_clear_icccm_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?displayof:'b Widget.widget -> ?selection:string -> 'a
val clipboard_append_icccm_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) -> ?format:string -> ?typ:string -> 'a
val cCAMLtoTKfontMetrics : Tk.fontMetrics -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKgrabStatus : Tk.grabStatus -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLgrabStatus : string -> [> `Global | `Local | `None ]
val cCAMLtoTKmenuItem : Tk.menuItem -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLmenuItem : string ->
[> `Cascade | `Checkbutton | `Command | `Radiobutton | `Separator | `Tearoff ]
val cCAMLtoTKoptionPriority : Tk.optionPriority -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKtkPalette_palettetroughcolor : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKtkPalette_paletteforegroundselectcolor : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKtkPalette_paletteselectbackground : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKtkPalette_paletteselectcolor : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKtkPalette_paletteinsertbackground : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKtkPalette_palettehighlightcolor : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKtkPalette_palettehighlightbackground : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKtkPalette_paletteforeground : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKtkPalette_palettedisabledforeground : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKtkPalette_palettebackground : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKtkPalette_paletteactiveforeground : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKtkPalette_paletteactivebackground : Tk.color -> Protocol.tkArgs
val any_tkPalette_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?activebackground:Tk.color ->
?activeforeground:Tk.color ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?disabledforeground:Tk.color ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?hilightbackground:Tk.color ->
?insertbackground:Tk.color ->
?selectbackground:Tk.color ->
?selectcolor:Tk.color ->
?selectforeground:Tk.color -> ?troughcolor:Tk.color -> 'a
val ccCAMLtoTKphoto_topleft : int * int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKphoto_imgformat : string -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKphoto_subsample : int * int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKphoto_zoom : int * int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKphoto_shrink : unit -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKphoto_imgto : int * int * int * int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val ccCAMLtoTKphoto_imgfrom : int * int * int * int -> Protocol.tkArgs
val write_photo_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?format:string -> ?src_area:int * int * int * int -> 'a
val read_photo_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?dst_pos:int * int ->
?format:string -> ?shrink:unit -> ?src_area:int * int * int * int -> 'a
val put_photo_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) -> ?dst_area:int * int * int * int -> 'a
val copy_photo_optionals : (Protocol.tkArgs list -> 'a) ->
?dst_area:int * int * int * int ->
?shrink:unit ->
?src_area:int * int * int * int ->
?subsample:int * int -> ?zoom:int * int -> 'a
val cCAMLtoTKscaleElement : Tk.scaleElement -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLscaleElement : string -> [> `Beyond | `Slider | `Trough1 | `Trough2 ]
val cCAMLtoTKscrollbarElement : Tk.scrollbarElement -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLscrollbarElement : string -> [> `Arrow1 | `Arrow2 | `Beyond | `Slider | `Through1 | `Through2 ]
val cCAMLtoTKsendOption : Tk.sendOption -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKcomparison : Tk.comparison -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKmarkDirection : Tk.markDirection -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLmarkDirection : string -> [> `Left | `Right ]
val cCAMLtoTKtextSearch : Tk.textSearch -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKtext_dump : 'a Widget.widget -> Tk.text_dump -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cCAMLtoTKatomId : Tk.atomId -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLatomId : string -> [> `AtomId of int ]
val cCAMLtoTKfocusModel : Tk.focusModel -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLfocusModel : string -> [> `Active | `Passive ]
val cCAMLtoTKwmFrom : Tk.wmFrom -> Protocol.tkArgs
val cTKtoCAMLwmFrom : string -> [> `Program | `User ]
val cCAMLtoTKoptions_constrs : [< `Accelerator
| `Activebackground
| `Activeborderwidth
| `Activeforeground
| `Activerelief
| `After
| `Align
| `Anchor
| `Arrow
| `Arrowshape
| `Aspect
| `Background
| `Before
| `Bgstipple
| `Bigincrement
| `Bitmap
| `Bordermode
| `Borderwidth
| `Capstyle
| `Class
| `Closeenough
| `Colormap
| `Colormode
| `Column
| `Columnbreak
| `Columnspan
| `Command
| `Confine
| `Container
| `Cursor
| `Dash
| `Data
| `Default
| `Defaultextension
| `Digits
| `Direction
| `Disabledforeground
| `Elementborderwidth
| `Expand
| `Exportselection
| `Extent
| `Family
| `Fgstipple
| `File
| `Filetypes
| `Fill
| `Font
| `Foreground
| `Format
| `Gamma
| `Geometry
| `Height
| `Hidemargin
| `Highlightbackground
| `Highlightcolor
| `Highlightthickness
| `Icon
| `Image
| `Indicatoron
| `Initialcolor
| `Initialdir
| `Initialfile
| `Insertbackground
| `Insertborderwidth
| `Insertofftime
| `Insertontime
| `Insertwidth
| `Inside
| `Ipadx
| `Ipady
| `Joinstyle
| `Jump
| `Justify
| `Label
| `Length
| `Lmargin1
| `Lmargin2
| `Maskdata
| `Maskfile
| `Max
| `Menu
| `Message
| `Min
| `Minsize
| `Name
| `Offset
| `Offvalue
| `Onvalue
| `Orient
| `Outline
| `Outlinestipple
| `Overstrike
| `Pad
| `Padx
| `Pady
| `Pageanchor
| `Pageheight
| `Pagewidth
| `Pagex
| `Pagey
| `Palette
| `Parent
| `Postcommand
| `Relheight
| `Relief
| `Relwidth
| `Relx
| `Rely
| `Repeatdelay
| `Repeatinterval
| `Resolution
| `Rmargin
| `Rotate
| `Row
| `Rowspan
| `Screen
| `Scrollregion
| `Selectbackground
| `Selectborderwidth
| `Selectcolor
| `Selectforeground
| `Selectimage
| `Selectmode
| `Setgrid
| `Show
| `Showvalue
| `Side
| `Size
| `Slant
| `Sliderlength
| `Smooth
| `Spacing1
| `Spacing2
| `Spacing3
| `Splinesteps
| `Start
| `State
| `Sticky
| `Stipple
| `Stretch
| `Style
| `Tabs
| `Tags
| `Takefocus
| `Tearoff
| `Tearoffcommand
| `Text
| `Textvariable
| `Textwidth
| `Tickinterval
| `Title
| `Troughcolor
| `Type
| `Underline
| `Use
| `Value
| `Variable
| `Visual
| `Weight
| `Width
| `Window
| `Wrap
| `Wraplength
| `X
| `Xscrollcommand
| `Xscrollincrement
| `Y
| `Yscrollcommand
| `Yscrollincrement ] ->