Module Scale

module Scale: sig .. end
The scale widget

val create : ?name:string ->
?activebackground:Tk.color ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?bigincrement:float ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?command:(float -> unit) ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?digits:int ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?highlightbackground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?highlightthickness:int ->
?label:string ->
?length:int ->
?max:float ->
?min:float ->
?orient:Tk.orientation ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?repeatdelay:int ->
?repeatinterval:int ->
?resolution:float ->
?showvalue:bool ->
?sliderlength:int ->
?state:Tk.state ->
?takefocus:bool ->
?tickinterval:float ->
?troughcolor:Tk.color ->
?variable:Textvariable.textVariable ->
?width:int -> 'a Widget.widget -> Widget.scale Widget.widget
create ?name parent options... creates a new widget with parent parent and new patch component name, if specified.
val configure : ?activebackground:Tk.color ->
?background:Tk.color ->
?bigincrement:float ->
?borderwidth:int ->
?command:(float -> unit) ->
?cursor:Tk.cursor ->
?digits:int ->
?font:string ->
?foreground:Tk.color ->
?highlightbackground:Tk.color ->
?highlightcolor:Tk.color ->
?highlightthickness:int ->
?label:string ->
?length:int ->
?max:float ->
?min:float ->
?orient:Tk.orientation ->
?relief:Tk.relief ->
?repeatdelay:int ->
?repeatinterval:int ->
?resolution:float ->
?showvalue:bool ->
?sliderlength:int ->
?state:Tk.state ->
?takefocus:bool ->
?tickinterval:float ->
?troughcolor:Tk.color ->
?variable:Textvariable.textVariable ->
?width:int -> Widget.scale Widget.widget -> unit
val configure_get : Widget.scale Widget.widget -> string
val coords : ?at:float -> Widget.scale Widget.widget -> int * int
val get : Widget.scale Widget.widget -> float
val get_xy : Widget.scale Widget.widget -> x:int -> y:int -> float
val identify : Widget.scale Widget.widget -> x:int -> y:int -> Tk.scaleElement
val set : Widget.scale Widget.widget -> float -> unit