Module GButton

module GButton: sig .. end

A widget that creates a signal when clicked on


class button_skel : [> Gtk.button ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class button_signals : [> Gtk.button ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class button : Gtk.button Gtk.obj -> object .. end

A widget that creates a signal when clicked on

val button : ?label:string ->
?use_mnemonic:bool ->
? ->
?relief:Gtk.Tags.relief_style ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> button
GtkToggleButton & GtkRadioButton
class toggle_button_signals : [> Gtk.toggle_button ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class toggle_button : [> Gtk.toggle_button ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

Create buttons which retain their state

val toggle_button : ?label:string ->
?use_mnemonic:bool ->
? ->
?relief:Gtk.Tags.relief_style ->
?active:bool ->
?draw_indicator:bool ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> toggle_button
val check_button : ?label:string ->
?use_mnemonic:bool ->
? ->
?relief:Gtk.Tags.relief_style ->
?active:bool ->
?draw_indicator:bool ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> toggle_button
class radio_button : Gtk.radio_button Gtk.obj -> object .. end

A choice from multiple check buttons

val radio_button : ?group:Gtk.radio_button ->
?label:string ->
?use_mnemonic:bool ->
? ->
?relief:Gtk.Tags.relief_style ->
?active:bool ->
?draw_indicator:bool ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> radio_button
GtkColorButton & GtkFontButton
class color_button_signals : [> Gtk.color_button ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class color_button : [> Gtk.color_button ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

val color_button : ?color:Gdk.color ->
?rgba:Gdk.rgba ->
?title:string ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> color_button

A button to launch a color selection dialog

class font_button_signals : [> Gtk.font_button ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class font_button : [> Gtk.font_button ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

val font_button : ?font_name:string ->
?title:string ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> font_button

A button to launch a font selection dialog


class type tool_item_o = object .. end
class toolbar_signals : [> Gtk.toolbar ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class toolbar : Gtk.toolbar Gtk.obj -> object .. end

Create bars of buttons and other widgets

val toolbar : ?orientation:Gtk.Tags.orientation ->
?style:Gtk.Tags.toolbar_style ->
?border_width:int ->
?width:int ->
?height:int ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> toolbar
ToolItems for the new toolbar API
class tool_item_skel : [> Gtk.tool_item ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class tool_item : [> Gtk.tool_item ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

val tool_item : ?homogeneous:bool ->
?expand:bool ->
?packing:(tool_item_o -> unit) ->
?show:bool -> unit -> tool_item
class separator_tool_item : [> Gtk.separator_tool_item ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

val separator_tool_item : ?draw:bool ->
?homogeneous:bool ->
?expand:bool ->
?packing:(tool_item_o -> unit) ->
?show:bool -> unit -> separator_tool_item
class tool_button_signals : [> Gtk.tool_button ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class tool_button_skel : [> Gtk.tool_button ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class tool_button : [> Gtk.tool_button ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

val tool_button : ?label:string ->
? ->
?use_underline:bool ->
?homogeneous:bool ->
?expand:bool ->
?packing:(tool_item_o -> unit) ->
?show:bool -> unit -> tool_button
class toggle_tool_button_signals : [> Gtk.toggle_tool_button ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

class toggle_tool_button : [> Gtk.toggle_tool_button ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

val toggle_tool_button : ?active:bool ->
?label:string ->
? ->
?use_underline:bool ->
?homogeneous:bool ->
?expand:bool ->
?packing:(tool_item_o -> unit) ->
?show:bool -> unit -> toggle_tool_button
class radio_tool_button : [> Gtk.radio_tool_button ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

val radio_tool_button : ?group:radio_tool_button ->
?active:bool ->
?label:string ->
? ->
?use_underline:bool ->
?homogeneous:bool ->
?expand:bool ->
?packing:(tool_item_o -> unit) ->
?show:bool -> unit -> radio_tool_button
class menu_tool_button : [> Gtk.menu_tool_button ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

val menu_tool_button : ?menu:< as_menu : Gtk.obj; .. > ->
?label:string ->
? ->
?use_underline:bool ->
?homogeneous:bool ->
?expand:bool ->
?packing:(tool_item_o -> unit) ->
?show:bool -> unit -> menu_tool_button
class link_button : [> Gtk.link_button ] Gtk.obj -> object .. end

A button for URL

val link_button : ?label:string ->
string ->
?packing:(GObj.widget -> unit) -> ?show:bool -> unit -> link_button