Module GtkSignal

module GtkSignal: sig .. end


type id 
type 'a marshaller = 'a -> Gobject.Closure.argv -> unit 
type ('a, 'b) t = {
   name : string;
   classe : 'a;
   marshaller : 'b marshaller;

When writing marshallers, beware that the list omits the 0th argument of argv, which is the referent object

type query = {
   id : int;
   signal_name : string;
   itype : string;
   flags : int;
   return : string;
   params : string array;
val stop_emit : unit -> unit

Call stop_emit () in a callback to prohibit further handling of the current signal invocation, by calling emit_stop_by_name. Be careful about where you use it, since the concept of current signal may be tricky.

val connect : sgn:('a, 'b) t ->
callback:'b -> ?after:bool -> 'a Gobject.obj -> id

You may use stop_emit inside the callback

val connect_property : prop:('a, 'b) ->
callback:('b -> unit) -> 'a Gobject.obj -> id

Connect to the "notify::foo" signal associated with a property. These are emitted each time the property "foo" is set (including when it is set to the same value).

val user_handler : (exn -> unit) Stdlib.ref

A hook to allow changing the behaviour of exceptions in callbacks The default behaviour of printing the exception and ignoring it is obtained when user_handler is set to Pervasives.raise

val safe_call : ?where:string -> ('a -> unit) -> 'a -> unit

Safe wrapper for function calls. Tries to handle exceptions with user_handler, and reports an error otherwise.

val signal_new : string -> Gobject.g_type -> Gobject.signal_type list -> unit
val list_ids : Gobject.g_type -> int array
val query : int -> query
val connect_by_name : 'a Gobject.obj ->
name:string -> callback:Gobject.g_closure -> after:bool -> id
val disconnect : 'a Gobject.obj -> id -> unit
val emit_stop_by_name : 'a Gobject.obj -> name:string -> unit

Unsafe: use stop_emit instead.

val handler_block : 'a Gobject.obj -> id -> unit
val handler_unblock : 'a Gobject.obj -> id -> unit

Some marshaller functions, to build signals

val marshal_unit : (unit -> unit) marshaller
val marshal_int : (int -> unit) marshaller
val marshal_string : (string -> unit) marshaller
val marshal1 : 'a Gobject.data_conv -> string -> ('a -> unit) marshaller
val marshal2 : 'a Gobject.data_conv ->
'b Gobject.data_conv -> string -> ('a -> 'b -> unit) marshaller
val marshal3 : 'a Gobject.data_conv ->
'b Gobject.data_conv ->
'c Gobject.data_conv ->
string -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> unit) marshaller
val marshal4 : 'a Gobject.data_conv ->
'b Gobject.data_conv ->
'c Gobject.data_conv ->
'd Gobject.data_conv ->
string -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> unit) marshaller
val marshal5 : 'a Gobject.data_conv ->
'b Gobject.data_conv ->
'c Gobject.data_conv ->
'd Gobject.data_conv ->
'e Gobject.data_conv ->
string -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> unit) marshaller
val marshal6 : 'a Gobject.data_conv ->
'b Gobject.data_conv ->
'c Gobject.data_conv ->
'd Gobject.data_conv ->
'e Gobject.data_conv ->
'f Gobject.data_conv ->
string -> ('a -> 'b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'f -> unit) marshaller
val marshal0_ret : ret:'a Gobject.data_conv -> (unit -> 'a) marshaller
val marshal1_ret : ret:'a Gobject.data_conv ->
'b Gobject.data_conv -> string -> ('b -> 'a) marshaller
val marshal2_ret : ret:'a Gobject.data_conv ->
'b Gobject.data_conv ->
'c Gobject.data_conv -> string -> ('b -> 'c -> 'a) marshaller
val marshal3_ret : ret:'a Gobject.data_conv ->
'b Gobject.data_conv ->
'c Gobject.data_conv ->
'd Gobject.data_conv -> string -> ('b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'a) marshaller
val marshal4_ret : ret:'a Gobject.data_conv ->
'b Gobject.data_conv ->
'c Gobject.data_conv ->
'd Gobject.data_conv ->
'e Gobject.data_conv ->
string -> ('b -> 'c -> 'd -> 'e -> 'a) marshaller
Emitter functions
val emit : 'a Gobject.obj ->
sgn:('a, 'b) t ->
emitter:(cont:('c Gobject.data_set array -> 'd) -> 'b) ->
conv:(Gobject.g_value -> 'd) -> 'b
val emit_unit : 'a Gobject.obj -> sgn:('a, unit -> unit) t -> unit
val emit_int : 'a Gobject.obj -> sgn:('a, int -> unit) t -> int -> unit
Default handler override
val override_class_closure : ('a, 'b) t -> Gobject.g_type -> Gobject.g_closure -> unit
val chain_from_overridden : Gobject.Closure.argv -> unit